Rare archaeological discoveries in Pylos



Rare archaeological discoveries Pylos

An important discovery was brought to light by the excavations of Jack L. Davis and Sharon R. Stocker, from the University of Cincinnati, in the Peloponnese. This rare archaeological discovery is about a very rich tomp with weapons and gold next to the dead.  This is the fisrt time that someone steps its foot into this tomp as there are no traces of a previous visit. The tomb belonged to a warrior, dated around 1500 BC (Late Helladic II period) and is the most impressive proof of the prehistoric wealth on funery monuments of Greece that has come to light over the last sixty-five years. 


The body belongs to a warrior round 30 or 35 years old. Beside the warrior were deposited: a bronze sword with gilded ivory handle, gold signet rings and cups, a rare gold chain, silver bowls with gold designs, bronze vases and bowls, bronze amphora, copper jugs and bronze basins, more than fifty seals made of ivory with engraved scenes and more than a thousand pieces from gemstones. Many of these objects are works according the Minoan style.

Warrior archaeological discovery

According to the excavators, who were working over 25 years in the area of Pylos, the discovery of this tomp, that was not looted in addition with the fact that more than 1,400 unique items were found, are especially important. The high quality of the items shows that Pylos, like Mycenae in the northeastern Peloponnese, was strongly influenced by the Minoan art around 1500 BC. Noteworthy is also the fact that it wasn’t found Mycenaean or Minoan pottery in the tomb.


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